Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Snyder Proj 5 Research and Thumbs

I plan on doing an article from the LA Times (,0,5553777.story) called "A smartphone app designed to tamper with your dreams". I liked the idea of using icons for various iPhone apps invading someone's head while they're sleeping. I also considered having dream-ish thought bubbles, or anything representing dreaming being invaded by the apps. I also thought about using more abstract representations of technology, to show that not necessarily this app, but technology is able to do all these crazy things now. I want to take a picture of myself sleeping (or faking sleep?) for my original photo.

I think I'd want to do the app icons in Illustrator, because those could be recreated in nice simplified pictograms, then bring those into Photoshop. I want to do whatever I use to represent the dreams in Photoshop for sure though, because I want it to have a more realistic, ethereal kind of feel, and the technology is going in and messing with almost a mystical place. Ultimately I think I want the apps/technology to be done in Illustrator, because that is the way to create more exact, geometric forms. I think it will have a really nice contrast to what I want to do in Photoshop.

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