Thursday, April 12, 2012

Photoshop Tutorial

Adding Visual Texture to Text:
1. Once you find a texture, Copy > Paste it into a new layer in your design. The texture layer should usually be on top of every other layer in your design (or at least the layers you want to apply the texture to).
Transform the Texture
to fit your canvas.
2. Desaturate your texture layer (Image > Adjustments > Desaturate). We only want to apply the texture over our design, not the color from the texture.
3. Now, set this layer to Overlay. This will screen (brighten) all of the shades brighter than 50% gray in your texture, while multiply (darken) any shades darker than 50% gray, thus giving the illusion of light passing over your design for a more tactile appearance!

Adjust the opacity of your texture layer to increase or decrease the intensity of the effect.

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