Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Color correction can be done in moments. It is a simple and effective way to take your digital images and make them warmer, brighter and more pleasing to the eye.
This image is straight from the camera and this tutorial will only effect colorization of this image.
We will use "Threshold", "Curves", a little erasing. Finally, for an added punch we'll use PS's "Color Filter".
After doing this process a couple times, an image can be greatly enhanced in only one to two minutes.
1. Our starting image, in this case My family Smile
2. a. always duplicate the starting layer, in case We need it, and something to compare the final product too.
b.now, hit IMAGE>Adjustments>Threshhold.
3.a.Now We take that little arrow beneath the graff, and we slide it to the left, until We have areas of black only a few pixels wide.
b.Now we hold Alt=Shift and click on the middle of one of these dark areas.
We will be rewarded with a little marker numbered one.
4.a.Now We slide that little arrow beneath the graff and repeat the same process, only this time it will be on a small white area.
b.When that is done, just click Arrow CANCEL.
Now we just have the same image with Our little helpers Smile
5.Open Curves
6.a.Now we go to the "three little eye-droppers at the bottom left of "curves" window and SELECT the eye-dropper on the left.
b.Now that we have selected the left eye-dropper we point Our pointer dead center at at the target marked "1", and CLICK on it. (the color of image may change drastically, no problem, be patient)
7.a Now We select the "CENTER" eye-dropper.
b. Use the precision pointer and click on the target marked 2.
(the color of image may change drastically, no problem, be patient)

8.a. Now We choose the eye-dropper furthest to the right.
b.Now search your image and find the spot with the least color in the lightest grey area you can find is a great place to start.
Click on that spot, if you like the results choose OK in 'curves' window.
If you do not like the results,click around on other light or bright areas on image till the color looks great to you.
Here I clicked until I liked the color of the people-the sky was totally washed out, but no problem-click OK.
9.Now this part was very simple-I left a lower copy of the original image turned on in the "layers pallette" and erased that washed out sky.
I used a 13pixel soft brush to erase around rocks and people, now we have the original sky showing.
10.Open the "color filter".
This is a very simple little extra step and an overlooked WONDERFUL little filter in PS.
On the layer showing people I chose the first 'warming filter'option, and on the sky layer I just chose some nice deep blue.
On the layer showing people I chose the first 'warming filter'option, and on the sky layer I just chose some nice deep blue.
Two minutes from start to finish. I think it's a worthwhile effort.
This was a dark, low color image and if we spent a little time tweeking it, I'm sure we could get it just perfect.

This sure beats just deleting it and losing the shot.

My instructions:

1. First save a copy of the original image to compare the final image. To start go to adjustments then to Threshold.
2. First you will make the image almost completely white except for a few black spots. This is where you have shift+alt and click on a small black area. This will cause a number 1 to show up.
3. Now you will do the complete opposite and change the threshold to completely black with a dab of white. Do the same thing and have shift+alt and click on the dark spots in the image. this will cause a number two to show.
4. Now you will not hit ok for the threshold but cancel.
5. Now you will go to adjustments and the curves. There will be three eyedroppers in this box.
6. First click the left one and click one. The image will change color.
7. Next you will click the center dropper and click your number 2. This will change the image again.
8. Now for the far right one you will want to click a light area on the image. However if you don't like the final colors you can click on any part of the image until the photo is exactly how you want it.
9. For extra adjustments, for example your background is faded or an object in the picture is not how you like it, use your saved copy to create a new layer. Make it a bottom layer so it is behind your adjusted image.
10.Now erase the areas that you dislike so that your original image shows through.
11. Click on the original image (bottom layer). Go to adjustments and click on photo filter.
12. With this you can change the color of the original image into whatever you like as the missing part of your adjusted layer (top layer). Image is complete!

example Image:

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