1. Open a portrait in photoshot that you would like to change the eye color on. (should be a good quality, well lit, image)
2. Create a new layer.
3. Using the paintbrush, paint dots of desired color onto the iris of the eye.
4. Choose Filter - Blur - Guassian Blur. Change to about 25, or desired blur.
5. Using the eraser, erase any color that spilled over onto the pupil, eye lid or skin.
6. Go into your eye layer and change the layer to color burn, or whichever one most appeals to you. I find color burn usually gives the most realistic look.
7. Merge layers (Command+e)
8. Use the color burn tool on the outside edges of the iris, to darken.
9. Use the dodge tool on the inside of the iris, close to the pupil.
(8 and 9 help to brighten the eyes and make them stand out more in the image)
Final product:
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