Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Schulz Project 5 Thumbnails

Are landlines doomed?

CNN Money: http://money.cnn.com/2012/04/10/technology/att-verizon-landlines/index.htm

I plan on designing my editorial image for today’s article in CNN’s Money sectioni, “Are landlines doomed?” The article focuses on the declining usage of landlines after AT&T sold of its Yellow Pages service on Monday. Despite that, the big two telecom agencies will most likely not drop all of their landline businesses. A majority of their sales rely on landline services. It is possible, that AT&T may look into dropping unnecessary holdings where U-Verse, TV and broadband internet will not be delivered [just as Verizon sold off non-FiOS areas to Frontier]. The only problem that stands in the way is: finding someone who will take those assets. The need for landline devices will keep declining as cellular usage increases. There is not much than can be done, other than to keep on promoting.

As far as my design goes, I was thinking about toying with photos of an iPhone merged with a classic old-school landline. I recently ran across a landline-like phone that attaches to the iPhone to give some sort of retro appearance. The iFusion also goes along this idea, acting as a speaker, charger, dock for the iPhone. I'm starting with these images for some inspiration on how to combine the best of both worlds.

I would like to throw in the modern, retro phone into a picture like one of these:

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