Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Falcon Proj 5 thumbs

For Project 5, I am considering making a composition for either an article on CNN titled, “Smithsonian celebrates ‘Art of Video Games’” or over one from Time Magazine, “ Brief History: Video-Game Violence.” As I’m a pretty avid video game nerd I have plenty of things to take pictures of to fill the “original picture” requirement: consoles, video game cartridges/discs, accessories, controllers, memorabilia, etc. For the Smithsonian one I was thinking I could place the objects I had taken pictures of and place them on top of stands to showcase like in a museum. The part that would be done in Illustrator is still a little bit of a mystery to me, I was thinking I could draw or try to replicate some sort of 3d aspect to stick in the project, or to do some sort of virtual reality grid. The grid might go a little better with the video game violence one.

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