Monday, June 25, 2012

Rory - Research and Reference images (updated)

Im going to use this article about how researchers at Columbia University discovered that you may be able to grow human bones from stem cells. The researchers have found that 50 of these studies have produced successful results. The process takes about a month, one that they plan on perfecting. The Head of the team and professor, Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, stated that "[stem cells] can make anything as long as you place them in the right conditions and send them the right signals." I plan on using real photographs of the roots of a plant, maybe even the dirt/mulch, and then drawing up a detailed skull in illustrator and combining the two. I want to make the message as direct as possible, by adding roots to the skull/bones that message becomes successful in my eyes. 

Growing your own bones: Columbia University researchers perfecting DIY replacements

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