Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Rory - EMP thumbnails

I'm sorry, i forgot how to turn them after they scan in!


  1. I really like the half object, half text images. It's a clever way to incorporate text into the image, by actually making it part of the image.

  2. I agree, the half object images are really interesting. When considering the placement/size of the text it could be interesting to try and make the text fit to finish the shape of the object by making the words different sizes/lengths to fill out the other half of the form.

  3. I agree with Sarah. If there is a way you can finish the other half of the image with text, it could be really neat. Maybe even experiment with various sizes of text within the shape.

  4. I definitely like the ones where its seems like he's smoking and the close up guitar ones.

  5. I really like the half image, half texts ones as well! I think they would make a really neat looking poster.
