Tuesday, June 26, 2012

John- Article

The Article I chose is titled "Why doctors fall asleep while treating you. New rules are being put into effect on the maximum hour shifts first year interns can work.
These new rules have created concern among residents regarding their education. A survey published in the June issue of Archives of Surgery found that surgical interns believed the new regulations would decrease their time spent operating, acquisition of medical knowledge, development of surgical skills and overall educational experience.
So what's the real benefit to reducing resident work hours? The Archives of Surgery survey also found that the majority of interns believed the new regulations would improve the quality and safety of patient care.
Proper residency training shouldn't necessitate working young doctors so hard that they're forced to make patient care decisions or perform medical procedures while excessively fatigued. Studies show that impairment in cognitive and motor performance when sleep-deprived for 24 hours is equivalent to having a blood-alcohol level of 0.1%. This is considered legally drunk.

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