Monday, June 25, 2012

Jessica-Article Summary

Good dog, good job? More dogs sit, stay at work
By SUE MANNING | Associated Press – Tue, Jun 12, 2012

I found this article on yahoo. I thought it was a fun concept and reminded me of an internship I did a couple of years ago. The employees I worked for had their two dogs at the office and it made the job a lot more fun and less stressful. As you can guess by the title, the article was about a new trend of employees taking their dogs to work with them. Many employers are seeing the benefits of allowing employees to bring their dogs with them such as having the dog there for a stress reliever. The owner can pet the dog if they are getting stressed about a project or they can take a break and take the dog for a walk. There are also social benefits of having the dogs at work because they are good conversation starters and help break down barriers between employees.

According to the article, “about 1.4 million owners take some 2.3 million dogs to work every day.” Google and Amazon are two of the larger companies that are dog friendly. Many companies encourage the employees to bring their dogs because they feel it is a way to retain employees. They employees are happy to have their dogs at work with them so they are less likely to take alternative jobs that may not be dog friendly. Employees can also work longer shifts because they don’t need to go home to take care of their dogs because they are already in the office with them. Many of the dogs also enjoy going to work because they receive a lot more attention.

For this project I plan to use images of dogs and the workplace. I may even play around with posing the dogs at a desk and have them “working” like humans do for fun. I may also use illustrator to dress the dogs in work clothes or something along those lines.

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