For the “Day in the Life of” project I have decided to do a surgeon. Daily a surgeon will see patients on operating tables, sets of surgical tools, and typically blood. I want to have all of those things but give it a slightly comical look by making the patient look like the man from the board game, Operation. Operation consists of an "operating table", with an image of a patient with a large red light-bulb for his nose. In the surface are a number of openings, which reveal humorously-named ailments made of white plastic: Broken Heart: a heart shape with a crack through it on the right side of the chest, Wrenched Ankle: a metal wrench in the right ankle, Butterflies in the Stomach: a large butterfly in the middle of the torso, Spare Ribs: two ribs fused together as one piece, Water on the Knee: a pail of water in the knee, Funny Bone: a play on the name for the upper arm bone ,the humerus, Adam's Apple: in the throat, Charley Horse: a small horse resting near the hip joint, Wish Bone: located on the left side of the chest, and the Brain Freeze: an ice-cream cone located in the brain. Players take turns using a pair of tweezers connected with wire to the board to remove the objects. If the tweezers touch the metal edge of the opening during the attempt, a buzzer sounds, Sam's nose lights up red, and the player loses the turn. I don’t know if I’ll use all of the objects of the game, but I want the patient to have the red nose so you can recognize the theme. I plan to hand illustrate the objects from his body, and my original photo will be of a person I choose to play the part of the patient.
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