Sunday, March 25, 2012


A day in the life of a marijuana advocate.

For my original photo I will take a picture of somebody smoking and likely place that in the center of the composition, and for my drawing I will illustrate a medical marijuana logo. 

The approach I plan to take is to outline many of the important aspects of the life of a marijuana advocate and organize them into sections that surround the image in the center, sort of like a thought bubble. One part will deal with how marijuana advocates are avid supporters or members of groups that try to reform marijuana laws, such as NORML. They participate in meetings/marches, write congressmen/congresswomen, and spread the facts about marijuana and its promising potentials, and why the laws should be reformed. The second part will deal with how advocates are aware of the many uses for the marijuana plant, and put them to use in the forms of medicines, papers, industrial/consumer textiles, foods, building materials, hygiene products, and recreational use. The third part will deal with how marijuana advocates are also marijuana users and do so in many different contexts such as using it to be inspired to create beautiful and clever art objects that usually directly related to the consumption of marijuana itself, such as the glass bongs made by Illadelph, the Boba Fet bong, and the N64 pipe. They also use it in many social contexts such as hanging out with friends, playing disc golf, listening to music, or using it to as a medicine.

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