Monday, March 26, 2012

Carswell Project 4 Thumbs

For Project 4, I am thinking I will do “A Day in the Life of a Butterfly.” I plan to use cut-outs of 3 to 5 flowers scattered over the picture plane and to have a hand-drawn dashed line looping around and between them to indicate a butterfly’s fluttery path. All of the flower photos will be original.

There are several different background options I am considering for behind the flowers. I like the idea of having a slightly blurry/out-of-focus picture of a park with children playing in the distance; I also like the idea of having a slightly blurry picture of a flower garden as a background (I’m thinking the blurriness would lend a sense of depth—the cut out flowers being close up and in focus and the background distant and out of focus). If I use a picture for the background, I would probably hand-draw grass or flowers at the base of the picture plane. A third idea I’ve had, though, is to have an entirely hand-drawn background of either a park or flower garden; this option would make the cut out flowers stand out much more.

Since there are many other creatures that also go from flower to flower, I am considering putting the shadow of the butterfly on the grass in the foreground or a couple of other butterflies in the distance (if either is within the project’s parameters…).

Something I will probably need to be careful of is not having too much busyness; between the flower cut-outs and a separate background, I need to make sure the flowers and the butterfly’s path are the main focus.

A few picture ideas:

My Thumbs:

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