This blog is a warehouse for design inspiration. The authors of this blog are all current students enrolled in Assistant Prof. Newton's ARTC1302 Communication Design class at Texas State University San Marcos.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Simmons Project Research
I plan on doing a DAY IN THE LIFE OF A BODYBUILDER. My roommate is a bodybuilder so, I know his routine contains many different steps each day. Including supplements, 8-10 meals, 3 hour workouts, and PROTEIN!!! But I was maybe thinking of doing a dumb bell rack with all the different pieces of his day in front a mirror with the reflection of the results of his day.
Yeary, Gymnast
Salas proj 4 thumbs
Hernandez Proj 4 Thumbs
Project 4 _ Thumbs
Rroject 4_research
For "my day in the life" project I have decided to do a day in the life of a drug addict/recovering drug addict. I have a lot of personal experience with this with having close relation ships with family members, friends, and girl friends who had harsh times with this subject. To make the composition i plan to use a sketchy picture of a bathroom stall. I want this picture to look grungy and dirty( graffiti on the walls, broken tiles, etc..), this will help to show the low point ad limits of an addict. secondly for the picture i will be taking I'm deciding between two a picture my hands held out carrying a drawn of pills which i will draw erase redraw to give it that original dirty look. Or a picture of a girl curled up in a corner with sweat dripping of her head and bags under her eyes. the picture i would draw for the second would be needles and other drugs sprawled out around her. I want this picture to have a raw feel to it while almost making it look like a dream. to show the euphoric feeling as feel as the drown troughts at the same time.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Wells Proj 4 Thumbs
I wanna be… the very best… like no one ever was. Nah I’m gonna do day in the life of a photographer. Since I was a little NiƱo, I dreamed of becoming the world’s bestest film maker. Fortunately, I still have the dream-bug so I still pursue film as a passion today. Presently, I’m solidifying a nice
cushy little structure in photography (part time basis) making some decent side dough whilst I does it. I have actually been doing it successfully for over six months now.
I heart it... more than alot. I also plan on tapping into my background knowledge in design decide to go full time with film.. it also gives me a chance to see things most people wouldn’t to help with creating quality films. Not only does photography give me great structure for when I
normally see.. or notice.. or even attempt to look for. In that light, I feel a real connection to photography and am able to have great respect for it.
I want to use one of my photo flicktures and add a little old school hand gestured framing of the shot (two L’s connected at the finger tips) in front of the picture as if I’m scaling it up to take a shot. Add some cool pequito effectos to make it look all legit like… I think it’ll come out looking rather bonita. And now comes the time where I type until I reach my two hundred and fiftieth word. Heres a couple of my shots.