Monday, October 31, 2011

Bassett, A Day In The Life...

My project is going to be based on the theme “A day in the life of a tile layer.” My goal is to create a collage feel with the tools that a tile layer uses. To make sure that the style of illustration blends with my picture(s), I plan on illustration the whole collage first, and then fitting in the picture(s) into parts of the illustration. I am not 100% percent sure of what my illustrations will be, but I am thinking of including illustrations of tools such as a scraper, trowel, utility knife, chalk line, speed square, grease pencil, and tape measure, and I will definitely hand illustrate my type. I am considering several options for how to use pictures, the first being that I fill in (and color in) my illustrations with pictures of textures and parts of the objects (see thumbnails). I plan to take a picture of several of the different tools of of several different textures and use those. As far as the layout goes, I am considering a few different layouts, but I want it to look like you are looking at a bunch of tools on the floor, and the type is a continuation of one of the tools, like the chalk line.

Chase, A Day in the Life of...

A day in the Life of a Hogwarts Student:

For this project I am going to be illustrating a day in the life of a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am going to show the Hogwarts Express and train ticket, as if it is the student’s first day back at school. I will also show various things around the grounds, like the Quidditch Pitch, Hagrid’s Hut and the Whomping Willow that the student would see on their way into the castle. I plan on illustrating some type of drawing or note that a student would pass to their friend while in class or possibly a brochure for a meeting in the school. I plan on taking a picture of a book that looks like a spell book and a wand, which are things the students would be using every day in the classroom. I am also thinking about showing a class or two and the spells they would use in those classes. I will probably include scenes from the Great Hall, which is like the dining room, and around the castle which the students would see as they walk around to various classes and/or their dormitories. Speaking of which, I can include shots of their dormitories and common rooms. I might also choose to include textbooks that the students would use and the food that they eat while at school.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011