Tuesday, November 29, 2011

editorial post

I am doing an article called Lights, Shadows, (re)action. The article is about an artists exhibit and I would like to recreate her art with my own trash and then make the shadow in illustrator or photoshop. So my photograph will be the trash and the illustration will be the shadow. The trash makes the shadow.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Beets, Article Music and Amensia

The article I chose is about the correlation between musical learning and memory. The article states that musical learning isn't stored in the same part of the brain as other memories. The article further reports specific cases where in the person affected by extreme memory loss, while they can't remember having learned the music, they can play it well. The story caught my attention, because these types of diseases and injuries that cause memory loss don’t get a lot of attention within the media. I feel it is important to try and raise people’s awareness about diseases and research having to do with mental health. Not to mention I’d like to find out how my grandmother can remember the lyrics to an entire country western song, but not where she put her keys. On that note, I want to combine images of musical notes and what one call "Fond memories" that can often be lost in these cases. I want to try and incorporate a skull into the workings as memory loss is a kind of “Living Death.” With the music, musical notes, or musical instruments tied in to show that it is a kind of life within living death. I have a couple of different ideas for pictures of items or persons I want to take. Such as an up close picture of a person that I can overlay a skull with, or of someone playing an instrument, possibly of only of pages of music. I want to imply hope within the image, while still having that darker scarier edge of the whole “Living Death” angle.

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Starck, Editorial Imagery

For my project just recently GM's Euro brand came out with a concept car that would begin production in 2013 called the "one euro car" it was nicknamed that after its claims to travel 100km or 62 miles on just ONE euro or roughly $1.38. It is capable of doing this based on a new battery propulsion system. Its build is new sleek and looks more like a capsule than anything else. It can reach up to the top speed of 80 mph and can be altered to lower the speeds so that drivers as young as 16 can drive the car around urban areas. I really love cars and all the concepts that have come out for green alternatives that look out of this world! I will photographing a large battery but want to incorporate as much of the concept drawings and the real car in the editorial.

Leeza_editorial thumbs

I heard about the inventor and engineer Jay Harman on a NPR broadcast. The innovations he created by using ideas and patterns found in nature to help conserve our natural resources is inspiring. A video of him explaining his concept is attached below.


With our resources becoming scarce, it's important to look for a light at the end of the tunnel.

Obviously the golden ratio, spirals, and other natural phenomenons are important to this article. I would like my original photo to be a whirlpool, the illustration to be of him or his invention, and the picture be of him or his invention.

Jimenez-Article References

I'm doing an image for an article called "Occult Symbolism in Pop Culture" which identifies and proves most of the satanic/occult imagery that's hidden in most modern pop music videos/songs/performances nowadays. I've gathered some pictures showing some of these occult symbols that most people don't really take notice of. Lady Gaga, Kanye, Jay Z, Rihanna are all, what this article calls them at least, "Illuminati Puppets". These symbols are used so much in videos for the sole purpose of desensitizing us to all of this occult material. Not only is this here in America, but traces of this have also been found in Korean and Japanese Pop Culture, (Kpop, Jpop are probably more familiar terms) In videos such as Kyari Pamyu Pamyu's Pon Pon Pon, and Narsha's Bidi pop pop. I could go on forever on this subject but I'm going to stop now. I'm going to upload my sketches soon. But these are my ideas for now.
The article I've chosen is about a recent Listeria outbreak caused by eating contaminated cantaloupes. Ten have been killed and sixty have reported ill.

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And here are my thumbs.

Kinnett Proj.5 Research and Thumbs

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I plan to do my project on the ongoing AIDS epidemic going on around the world, mainly in southern Africa. 2.7 million people were infected with HIV last year and the number of outbreaks has net changed in the past three years. At the end of last year there were 34 million people infected with HIV, Infections are down 27% in southern Africa but the disease is surging elsewhere. In eastern Europe and Asia the disease has jumped 250 percent in he past ten years mainly due to drug users sharing needles. UNAIDS is working for zero infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS related deaths. While this is an admirable goal it is overly optimistic and should be looked at as a goal for the future once a vaccine is discovered.

zhang_Proj 5 research and thumbs

My article is called “Why Smokers Feel Good” which talks about why people the smoke cigarettes are also addicted in the sense that nicotine triggers a happy spot in their brain. This spot called the opioid flow is also the same spot triggered by heroin and morphine. In the article they talk about a study they did with six smokers in their 20’s that smoked about 14 cigarettes on a daily basis. They were not allowed to smoke for 12 hours before the test and then were given 2 non-nicotine cigarettes to smoke. Later they were given 2 cigarettes with nicotine in them and results of how they felt were recorded. The results were that many of them were happier after the 2 nicotine cigarettes and information taken from brain scans the test subjects did, the opioid flow was altered 20 to 30%.

For my project I want to incorporate of course a cigarette whether it be alone, being smoke by someone, or just being held by someone. I want to play with the smoke of the cigarette and create a really swirly motion using Illustrator. I want my design to be really colorful in order to show how happy cigarettes make cigarette smokers. Another idea was to maybe play with the brain but I don’t have to many ideas for that yet. All I know is that my photo will be a cigarette and my illustration will be the smoke or the play on the brain. The outcome will be colorful.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bassett, Project 5 Thumbs

I plan on illustrating an article that deals with the Sandusky/Penn State Scandal. The article deals with the background behind the firing of Joe Paterno and other Penn State officials and Sandusky's infractions. Depending on which rough I pick, I will use a picture of Sandusky, probably use a picture that I take of a football, and illustrate the rest (football field, Penn State's Old Main, logo, jail bars, etc.). I want to give my illustration a very "scandalous" feel, so I'm going to try to incorporate dark colors and bold, illustrated fonts with a little bit of a grunge look.

JHenderson Proj. 5: Editorial Imagery

I'm between two articles right now and although I think I know which one I am going to choose, I've decided to post both. The first one is going to be a political article showing a few main points the Republican candidates for president have decided to focus on recently. For example, Rick Perry's recent joining of a religious movement called the New Apostolic Reformation in order to get the vote of Christians who fear a Mormon president. To show this I would maybe put a sash around Perry saying "not a Mormon".

Now for the article that I am leaning towards,

On one of Jupiter's younger moons, Europa, they have found a lake encased inside its outer layer of ice. This means that there is liquid, moving water underneath, which means that there is a potential for life. The lake has formed from the deep ocean inside Europa pushing outwards and shifting/melting the icy surface. They have also found some brown-colored icebergs whose composition scientists are not entirely sure consist of. I wanted to make a lighthearted image of an alien swinging into Europa's lake with Jupiter lighting the scene in the background. I could include some icebergs with brown overlays. My illustrations would most likely be the alien. I'm planing on making the alien a silhouette with only a hint of body to give it dimensionality. Its the photo that I am having a hard time coming up with. I could take a photo of a lake or maybe the swing, still not too sure.

Here are my thumbs:

Chase, Editorial References


The article I chose is titled Republican Presidential Candidates on the Issues and discusses where candidates Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, businessman Herman Cain, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Utah Gov. John Huntsman, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum stand on issues such as abortion, debt, the economy, education, energy,  the environment, gay marriage, health care, immigration, social security, taxes, terrorism, and war. I am not particularly into politics, but I thought this would be a good article because of the amount of options that I would have for the imagery. The article goes over how each of the candidates listed above feel about these issues, whether they support it or are against it, and for some what they have said on the subjects.

I want to illustrate symbols for each of the issues that are discussed in this article. I want the symbols to be distinctly their own, while still complementing each (possibly in color palette).  I am also thinking about having the symbols swirl around and start to form an elephant, the symbol for Republicans. I am not sure if I want it to be really structured or more flow-y, but I will see what looks better. I have not decided what I want my original photograph to be yet, but I am thinking along the lines of a sketchpad, notepad, or whiteboard to give the impression that the symbols are exaggerated doodles based on the article.