Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lynn_P5 Rough

Wimberley_P5 Roughs

Kiey_P5 Roughs

Why the Brain Craves Music

Hayden_P5 Roughs


Tucker_ Rough

Puente P5_Roughs

Gerber_P5 Roughs

The ring and the man are placeholders until I can use my  photographs. I plan on making the ring look more like it is being seen through an x-ray and playing with the cloudy feeling of a body in an x-ray.

Runcie_ P5 Roughs

I didn't like my original concepts so I am trying other approaches I find more realistic.

Simmons_P5 Roughs

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Arredondo_P5 Roughs


Vogt_P5 Rough

Looks a little more saturated as a .JPG than I had originally intended. Nonetheless, this is my rough depicting the first manned lunar landing.

Lankford Rough

Manickavasagam_P5 Roughs

Still working through this

Harris_P5 Rough

I haven't had a chance to take my picture for the project which will be of my own friends running away, but I went ahead and just put some random people in so you could get the idea I'm going for. 

Traugott_P5 Rough

Sweet_P5 Rough


I changed my article to how birdwatchers have been able to predict events, much like augury that was practiced in ancient roman times, by watching how the behavior of birds changes in response to their conditions, for example climate change which causes birds to move farther north than in previous times.

Brown_P5 Rough

Friday, April 19, 2013


Article: Oldest dinosaur embryos discovered
Source: CNN News

My article is about the recent discovery of the oldest known collection of dinosaur embryos. New clues from these embryos has helped shed new light on some of the biggest mysteries in dinosaur growth inside the egg. The embryos were found in China's Yunnan province in the city of Kunming, roughly 1,242 miles south of Beijing and were from a species of dinosaur called sauropodomorphs, known for their gigantic size. The fossils date back 190 to 197 million years ago and scientists from mainland China and Taiwan teamed up and called upon experts across multiple disciples and continents in order to understand their full significance. This is considered a breakthrough in approaching dinosaur paleontology as the team of paleontologists working hand in hand with chemists, physicists and geologists has never been done before. Scientists used synchrotron radiation and highly advanced infrared spectroscopy to isolate the main bone crystallizing structure, discovering that these dinosaurs grew extremely fast in comparison to present-day living animals and even flexed their muscles while still in the egg. Much more excavation work is needed to gain an even better understanding of the origin of dinosaurs.

For my illustration I want to imitate the process of "egg candling" which is a why to test chicken egg fertilization without cracking the shell. I want to play with the idea of putting some sort of quote inside the egg or on the shell of the egg, perhaps with a suggested dinosaur embryo inside the egg. I'm really going to play with the opacity and the use of smart objects in this project.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sweet_P5 Reference Updated

Here are some reference images for my new article:

Is handwriting still important? The digital generation skips penmanship
Fears of handwriting's demise prompted North Carolina to draft a bill, mandating that  script be taught in all elementary schools in the state.