Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Seong_Proj5 Research

I have changed my article into 'Treating depression with electrodes inside the brain'

Heres the link to the article if anyone is interested what it is about


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Photoshop Tutorial

I know this is late but this is 6 min video that will give you a full tutorial for color correcting photos that have that yellowish tint to them.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm going to do my project on the article over Ed Gein, one of the most notorious serial killers of our time. He was the influence of many horror films we see today, such as the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Pyscho, American Psycho, Silence of the Lambs, etc. He was responsible for multiple murders and gruesome acts of cannibalism, and skinning of human beings. He was mentally institutionalized and was deemed insane. He was also a grave robber and used female corpses as clothing and suits.

Yeary, Thumbnails

I'm doing a rendition of the artist's response to the 2011 Tsunami and other calamities that hit Japan. The display is currently at the Edison Place Gallery in New York. After reading this article, it inspired me to have a go at expressing the emotional chaos that nature certainly has within. My take on this detrimental calamity will come in three waves, to commemorate the three disasters that hit. The earthquake, the tsunami, and the atomic destruction. All will have a section - symbolized of course by different objects. Some of the pieces in the gallery have apples that are used to represent what the artist sees through his or her eyes. I thought using fruit might add and interesting take to it, and incorporating some of the pictures in the gallery, along with other pictures found through research on the tsunami, and the aftermath that ensued. There are also many interesting textural works in the gallery that I might use as a background or effect in my on work.

Photoshop tips and tricks_Floating Objects_Searle

How to make objects float, or levitation photography. 

How to:

You will need:
  • Camera
  • Tripod
  • Something to stand, sit, lay on
  • Photoshop/GIMP

Start with a tripod.  Frame your scene and get your exposure set.  I suggest usingmanual so that you’re exposure settings don’t shift from one pic to the next.  Also, establish focus for where you will be and disable your auto focus (otherwise you run the risk of the area in focus being different between the two images).

First, you want to take a picture of the scene without you or your prop in it.  This will be your background image.  When you get it composed to where you like it, fire a shot off.  Don’t touch the camera other than to set the self timer if you do not have it set up to be remotely triggered.

Next, use a ladder, box, bucket or anything stable enough to hold your weight and set it up in the scene making sure you leave enough room between you and the surface you will be floating above in the image to give the illusion of just hanging there.

Now you have both your background image and an exact duplicate image with you and the thing that you are going to erase leaving you levitating.
  1. Open both images in Photoshop and with both images open on the desktop, drag the “you” image using the move (V) tool on top of the background image while holding SHIFT which will automatically align the images.
  2. Set the opacity of the “you” layer to about 50% to check that you are lined up.  If it is a little off, use the move (V) tool to manually align the two layers as closely as you can.
  3. On the “you” layer, add a layer mask (the hole in a square at the bottom of the layers palate) and using a black brush (B) paint out your prop.  For me, as I was outside, I painted everything but me out because the sun came out for the second shot.  You are essentially just painting around yourself which will effectively eliminate any evidence that you’re not just really good at holding a gravity defying pose.

stephen's sweet tips

so you want your photo a faded kind of coolness with a tad of color like your dad took it in the 70s? no probs

step1. convert to smart object
step 2.  dupilcate layer
step3. apply gaussian blur to top layer, change blending to screen on blur effect
step 4. blend options top layer. change the layer blend black triangle to half way then hold alt and drag the other triangle half to the far right.
step5. new fill layer solid color, exclusion and 25% opacity and use one like #007fff for a vintage vibe.


Merging images for widescreen landscape

Step 1

Load the “Image 1″ stock image into Photoshop, hit Ctrl + A to select the entire image, then press Ctrl + C to make a copy.
1 select 500x389 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Hit Ctrl + N to create a new file, you will notice the width and height of the new file will be set automatically:
1 new file 500x305 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Because we have four images here, in order to fit them into one canvas, we need to increase the width of the image to 4 times the width of one individual image:
1 increase width Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Once the new file is created, paste the image onto it and drag it to the right side:
1 drag 500x227 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop

Step 2

Load the rest of the images into Photoshop, copy and paste them on the canvas, as shown below:
2 paste all 500x129 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
As you can see, the edge of each layer doesn’t not line up properly against each other:
2 edge not line up 500x414 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Reduce the fill opacity of layer 1 to around 70%:
2 layer 1 op Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Reduce the fill opacity to layer 2 to around 70%:
2 layer 2 op Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Now let’s find a distintive object which we can use as a guide – I chose this building shown below:
2 building seperate 500x306 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Adjust the position of the layer 2, and merge it into layer 1, using this building as a guide.
2 building combine 500x290 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Once there is no blur appearing on the image, you’re pretty much done with the merge: (don’t worry about the river edge is a bit rough now, we will deal with it later)
2 effect 500x270 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
and here is the overall effect:
2 effect 100 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop

Step 3

Now we need to merge the other two photos together. Use the same techique as described in the previous step, reduce the layer opacity and find a distintive object, adjust the layer position to fit them together:
From Image 3 to Image 2:
3 layer sep 500x305 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
3 layer combine 500x354 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
From Image 4 to Image 3:
3 layer 2 sep Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
3 layer 2 com Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Once you’re happy with the merge, make sure you go to Image > Trim and trim out the empty white background.

Step 4

Increase the layer opacity of each layer back to 100%.
Now let’s take a look at the river portion of the image. As you can see, because we tried to align the images in the previous step, we now have some white space on the right side of the canvas:
4 water original 499x293 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
To tackle this problem, we can simply make a selection with the rectangular marquee tool as shown below:
4 recta 500x167 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Press Ctrl + T to bring out the free transform tool:
4 free trans 500x135 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Drag the bottom center portion down to fill the white space:
4 resize 499x164 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
As you can see, the white space is now filled:
4 effect 499x172 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
and here is the overall effect so far:
4 100 percent 500x92 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop

Step 5

Flatten the image layers by right-clicking any one of the layers on the layer palette, then choose “Flatten Image”.
Now let’s tidy up the image a bit. As you can see, on the edge of each image we pasted previously, some parts did not blend with each other prefectly. We need to somehow get rid of them.
5 edge 500x327 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Now instead of using the blur tool, I found the Smudge Tool prefect for this job:
5 smudge Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Set the brush size to around 10-12px, blending mode to “normal”, strength to around 50% for the Smudge Tool, apply it to the edge of the image.
Here is the effect after applying the Smudge Brush:
5 after smudge Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
You can apply the same smudge tool technique to the sky portion as well:
5 sky sum Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
Here is the effect after applying the smudge tool the sky portion:
5 smu dir Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop
and here is the final effect for this tutorial: (click to enlarge)
5 effect 500x105 Mini PS Tutorial Series Vol.4 – Create Widescreen Wallpaper via Image Merging in Photoshop

Salas Project 5 research

I would like to do my project on articles that I found on CNN.com
I couldn't decide which one to do so I did thumbs for both, One is how superfoods are linked to losing weight and the other is how dental x-rays are linked to brain tumors, personally I think I would like to do the super foods article the most, cause you have more play with the topic.

Project 5 jazz

i chose to do a photoessay-ish picture editorial kind of deal with this article because I feel it is relevant to people who like the preservation of nature and natural habitats. So I guess me. Anyways its and interesting topic where it shows the over demand of drilling and how it can be taken to lengths where in the article states if any oil were to be spilt then it would be extremely hard to clean. And who wants to ruin a polar bears home, not me. So yeah polar bears and jazz. For the picture I may take some pictures of the oil drill rig things that teeter and photo shop them in icy places. And with my illustrations draw oil spilt on the land brings a disharmony to the place. That would look cool I think. i May do some illustrations of polar bears or even penguins, or even of the rig or the land itself. Or I could take a picture of the rig and create a icy land with illustrator. So the land below, our texas land would be dry and hot and a warm color while the fading ice could be gradiented over it with dead animals.  Or I may choose another article concerning the destruction of our land. Because its important that we protect this earth from those things. The animals and people call it home and that means we cant be drilling in places like the artic where it all so much untouched by man. Next thing you know well colonize it and ruin it. The end,



"How likely am I to be hit by an asteroid?" 

For my project I want to find a real photo of earth from space and create a asteroid to place in it from illustrator.


Southampton Marks Titanic Milestone, 100 Years After Setting Sail
By GLEN LEVY | @glenjl | April 10, 2012 |Time Magazine

It was exactly 100 years ago, on Tuesday April 10, 1912, when the Titanic sailed from the English port city of Southampton. In honor of the ships first and final voyage, descendants of those on board and the public met for a ceremony at the exact same place where the Titanic set sail. Southampton was home to more than a third of the more than 1,500 people who died when the ship hit an iceberg and sank on April 15, 1912, during its voyage to New York. Those who gathered threw flowers and wreaths into the water, before a minute of silence. I would like to have an image that merges the past and present events. Idea 1: have the scenes from titanic in which the ship is going down and the thousands of people are in the water flailing for help and it will be merged with an image of the descendants throwing them flowers.
Idea 2: have the titanic as its leaving port on an image of the present day ceremony in which the ship is kind of ghostly with all the people waving goodbye and then on the dock will be the decedents throwing flowers in their memory.
The images of Titanic I’ll get from the Internet. I could do sketches of flowers that are thrown into the water at the ceremony. My original photo would be of some of the people attending the ceremony or even some of flowers. That’s the plan so farJ

Photoshop Tutorial


Adding Visual Texture to Text:
1. Once you find a texture, Copy > Paste it into a new layer in your design. The texture layer should usually be on top of every other layer in your design (or at least the layers you want to apply the texture to).
Transform the Texture
to fit your canvas.
2. Desaturate your texture layer (Image > Adjustments > Desaturate). We only want to apply the texture over our design, not the color from the texture.
3. Now, set this layer to Overlay. This will screen (brighten) all of the shades brighter than 50% gray in your texture, while multiply (darken) any shades darker than 50% gray, thus giving the illusion of light passing over your design for a more tactile appearance!

Adjust the opacity of your texture layer to increase or decrease the intensity of the effect.

Wells_Project 5 Research

I would like to do my project based on the coverage of a little story thats built purely by heart. Jonathan the Zombie... his love for turtles has touched millions and I'd like to focus my project on his philosophy in life. Simple yet satisfying. and I like turtles too. Probably focus more on the turtles shell.. and it'd be nice to capture a likeness of Jonathan as a pattern on the turtle's shell or something. I think it would be good for many.

Project 5-research_atry


What Im working on for this project is off an article I read from Time Magazine about how many movies these days are being created from their graphic novel (comic book) counter parts. Its already known off such movies like Bat hand, spiderman, hulk etc. But the more graphic adult type graphic novels suck ass 300, watchmen,and even wanted, Now a days graphic novels are a gateway into the movies. The Idea is quite simple instead of an interpretation of a book that movie producers have to try to understand. Graphic Novels provide a visual jumping off point to understanding the story. What I plan to show for this visualization is a picture of some one leaping. While they're leaping I'll Show a transfer nation from what seems like a normal picture into a comic feel. The transfer nation will be complete with thought bubbles borders etc...

Miller Project 5 THUMBS/RESEARCH

I'm doing an article on the conformity of what we look like on the outside in relation to who we are behind closed doors (on the inside); I'm going to title the article "Inner Edge" in order to represent what the person is inside and how it transforms into something different, eventually showing on the outside as it remains a fragment of it's origin, henceforth becoming the edge/outer layer of what it truly is. With this metaphorical association to our human behaviors and personality I will utilize a modern day web template of articles online while mixing in classical themes of news articles to project a unique hybrid of an artistic "hook" for the viewer while retaining core mechanical methods in providing information. The photos below will help show a direction of the resources I am going to use.